Oscar 2015 Hot On The List Of Nominees Review

American Sniper As a young boy, which is to say before he grows up into a burly, bearded Bradley Cooper , Chris Kyle receives a lesson in life from his strict Texan father. The world, according to Dad, is divided into sheep, wolves and sheepdogs, those rare, righteous souls called to protect the innocent from the wicked. It’s a tough, stark view of the order of things, one that guides Chris in his subsequent career as a Navy SEAL sniper and one that has, with some modification, informed much of the work of Clint Eastwood , the director of “American Sniper.” Faithful in shape and spirit to the real Chris Kyle ’s memoir, “American Sniper” also reaffirms Mr. Eastwood’s commitment to the themes of vengeance and justice in a fallen world. In the universe of his films — a universe where the existence of evil is a given — violence is a moral necessity, albeit one that often exacts a cost from those who must wield it in the service of good. “American Sniper” are...