Election Winner Congratulates Outgoing President For Peacefully Relinquishing Power

Image result wey dey for goodluck jonathan takes picture with buhari 

Image result wey dey for goodluck jonathan takes picture with buhari 

Image result wey dey for goodluck jonathan takes picture with buhari 

Image result wey dey for goodluck jonathan takes picture with buhari

Image result wey dey for goodluck jonathan takes picture with buhari
Election winner congratulates outgoing president for peacefully relinquishing power and says move shows world that Nigeria has embraced democracy.
 Buhari, a 72-year-old Muslim, first tasted power a generation ago as a military dictator, only to be ousted after 20 months and jailed. The former army general has campaigned as a born-again democrat intent on cleaning up the corrupt politics of the continent’s largest economy and most populous nation.
In 2015, he contested in the colours of the party known as the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the incubent President Goodluck Jonathan a perfect gentleman who represented the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
This election has been adjudged the tightest and the mother of all elections in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Both men are from different regions of Nigeria and of different background and ideologies. Jonathan is a Christian from the South South Region while Buhari is from the core North of Nigeria, Katsina State.
Their level of maturity in the face of presure is quite astonishing and worthy of commendation as it is already attracting the attention of World Leaders.
Barack Obama said the election has “shown the world the strength” of the country’s commitment to democratic ideals, adding that he was impressed with how Nigerians “came together to decide the future of their country peacefully”.
Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, said: “I congratulate Muhammadu Buhari warmly on his election victory. I welcome wholeheartedly the statement from president Jonathan conceding the result.
“I also applaud the Nigerian people. It is an extraordinary sign of Nigeria’s strength and resilience as a country that there has been this election with its outcome accepted so clearly despite all the challenges Nigeria faces.”
He added: “It gives all of us who care about Nigeria great optimism and confidence in its future.”


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